DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

TITLE YOUR EXAMPLE OF WORK PAGE (action-verb titles are best)



Guiding Questions for “Description or Overview” Section

  • Briefly describe the context of the experience: where did it take place, what was your role and what were you trying to accomplish? 
  • What did you find as the most engaging or rewarding aspect of the work/experience? 

Guiding Questions for “Description or Overview” Section

  • Briefly describe the context of the experience (where did it take place, what was your role and what were you trying to accomplish?)  
  • What did you find as the most engaging or rewarding aspect of the work/experience?

Guiding Questions for “Skills Gained” Section

(Use “I” statements, action verbs and direct objects as much as possible)

  • What are/were the major tasks involved in this experience?
  • How did you spend your time?    
  • Describe an “a-ha” moment you had. What did you learn?
  • What did you do on a daily basis? Who did you talk to? What tasks did you engage in?
  • How did you identify and respond to different types of expectations, criteria, situations or people in this work?

 Guiding Questions for “Lessons Learned” Section

  • Describe a difficult or challenging experience: what was it, how did you handle it and what kinds of decisions did you make?
  • How has this experience addressed your overall learning and/or professional goals?
  • How have you applied or used what you’ve learned from this experience in other areas of your life?  
  • What can you do better or differently in the future because of this experience?
  • How will this experience shape how you may approach things in the future?

 Guiding Questions for “Impact ot Importance Section”

  • How or why is the work relevant to “big picture” goals in terms of your own learning, or to someone/something else?
  • What is the need, gap or challenge being addressed and why do you think it exists?
  • What do you see/did you see as the potential impact or outcome of your work?
  • What positive feedback have others provided about this work/experience?


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.